I am proud to serve in the best Army the world have ever seen.I am an American soldier.

Six years ago, I made that decision to serve in the United States Military. At the time, my main reason was because I needed a job. Coming from Cameroon at the age of 34 with a huge burden on my shoulder, I needed to set the ball rolling.It should be noted that, while in Cameroon, I was unemployed. 
Initially, my mum was not happy when she got the news that I have decided to become a soldier. To my mum, A SOLDIER is one

 Who is Corrupt

Who is a bully

Who is a rapist

Who is a killer

Who is a thief

Who is not respected by the civilians.

      This same thought was what I had growing up in Cameroon.I can as well assure you that children growing up in Cameroon today still holds that same thought. This is because that is what they see from their men in uniform.

When I joined the military, I begin to realise that the definition of A SOLDIER in the United State is different from that of Cameroon as well as any other country.

In America,a Soldier is

A freedom fighter

A hero/heroin 

A protector

A guardian Angel

 Above all, there is mutual respect between civilians and Soldiers.

The American Soldier have VALUES. We call them Army Values(Loyalty, Respect, Duty, Selfless Service, Honor, Intergrity and Personal Courage). We live by these values every single day.

       My reason for serving has long shifted from a job to a servant. A servant to the American people. A people that have my back as well as I got theirs.

A people that I will never abuse just because I am well trained.

A people that I will not rape just because they are vulnerable.   

A people that I will not open fire to just because I have a gun and they don’t. 

A people that I will fight to protect because that is what I am trained for.

   I feel fulfilled when I walk down the street and I see a grand mother waving at me saying Thank You For Your Service.

I feel blessed when I walk into a commercial flight in my uniform and I get a standing ovation. 

I equally feel great when the flight attendant offers me a first class seat when I actually paid for an economy class.

I do not even want to mention all the military discount I get from stores around America. All these is accompanied with a Thank You For Your Service.

The list goes on and on.

    I know some of you will be asking yourself, why all this writing?

Well I just want you all to join me in praying for my family and friends back in Cameroon whom in recent days have seen evil. Citizens of the Southern part of Cameroon are currently being slaughtered by those who are trained to protect them. My sisters are being raped by soldiers of The Republic of Cameroon.

This morning, I got a distressing call from a friend whose junior brother was shot in the stomach by a helicopter gun ship on 1 October 2017. This boy has been receiving treatment in one of the local health center until yesterday that he was discharged to continue treatment at home. Last night my friend said the police stormed their house with gun shots and abducted their brother to an unknown destination.

Boys as young as 12 are being chased from their homes.

My prayers goes to you all out there in the NW and SW region of Cameroon. Remember, Tough times never last, but tough people do. Hang in there, it will be alright.

To those who have died, 

May your soul Rest in Peace.

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